Next Up – Au or Augmented Unobtainium | 2024

What is Au? It’s gold. Oh, and also, the chemical element with the symbol of Au. Also, it’s Augmented Unobtainium.

What is that, Unobtainium? And that shit isn’t too far off from where we are now. A masterpiece by Punis. It will blow your mind, lift your soul, and leave you changed for the better. *not a promise.


Augmented Unobtainium

Punis Russi

Punis Russi is like an encyclopedia of information, with volumes of information and 20 years of writing experience. Punis specializes in fiction, romance, or both and writes strangely unique Romance > Dystopian content that underprivileged reindeer absolutely light upon reading. Punis is the author of the most excellent The Jessica Files series, which has received much acclaim.