Every Thanksgiving, we are together at Hello Shen Go to celebrate their success and what they will build.
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Jessica and I had gone out to a local bar one day to have a couple of drinks and watch the San Francisco Giants and the St. Louis Cardinals in a doubleheader.
We didn’t go out very often, mainly because of my desire to be home. We were having a great time, but then…

Tales From The Jessica Files – From Bad To Worser First Look Cover Reveal

I sat at my desk in the den, waiting patiently for Jessica to get home. I often found myself lost in my thoughts on Tuesday evenings since she worked a late shift at her day job. The rest of the time, it was a more standardized day shift.

The outcome… I fear that it is something that I can see, and it is so close that I can grab ahold of it. But when I reach out, I realize it is much too far away, and I can’t possibly bridge that gap.

Most importantly, you are genuinely interested in hearing what your friend has to say, fascinated with the intricate nature of their thoughts and feelings, and unable to turn away as if watching a garbage truck on fire.