All three versions of Tales From The Jessica Files – From Bad To Worser are *finally* up and ready for purchase over on Amazon.
Category: News

* Part of the Tales From The Jessica Files 2 has been split into a second book, Tales From The Jessica Files – The First Book Of LSE (LowSelfEsteem)
* Tales From The Jessica Files 2 has been renamed Takes From The Jessica Files – From Bad To Worser.

How is the world against me? How is nothing going my way? Just like everyone else is experiencing. The power of being in pain, the power of pain ruling your life.

You get the news here first. OK, mostly first. But new news is always not horrible news. We are going to start publishing content that our good friends at had previously hosted. They will

Welcome to Secret Freezer Publishings’ new online store. We will offer up all of our authors’ books, like titles from acclaimed authors Punis Russi and K.W. Turner. We await the first printing of Tales from the Jessica