If you ever wondered how crazy some people are, but are afraid to ask because you know the answer even if it is not in your favor. Well, then, I have a nice little surprise
Tag: Tales from the Jessica Files

All three versions of Tales From The Jessica Files – From Bad To Worser are *finally* up and ready for purchase over on Amazon.

Every Thanksgiving, we are together at Hello Shen Go to celebrate their success and what they will build.

Jessica and I had gone out to a local bar one day to have a couple of drinks and watch the San Francisco Giants and the St. Louis Cardinals in a doubleheader.
We didn’t go out very often, mainly because of my desire to be home. We were having a great time, but then…

Some years ago, while I was in the IT world, I came across a couple of folks who weren’t there yet, but yet they had a feeling that one could feel.
When I started at a job as a TL, two of the folks there, brothers as you’d expect from this story, were a part of the team I picked up. I knew almost instantly that each of them was on the precipice of something spectacular but missing that one little thing.

* Part of the Tales From The Jessica Files 2 has been split into a second book, Tales From The Jessica Files – The First Book Of LSE (LowSelfEsteem)
* Tales From The Jessica Files 2 has been renamed Takes From The Jessica Files – From Bad To Worser.

This is a story of two humans who love one another like it’s going out of style. They are each other’s “The One.”